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ENT Update Workshops

Endoscopic & Microscopic Temporal Bone Dissection workshop

4 – 5 December 2024 

Intensive course of basic and advanced techniques of endoscopic and microscopic ear surgeries including lectures and surgical videos as well as hands-on fresh cadaveric dissection guided by instructors. 11.5 OMSBS CME Points will be given.

Each Participant will have his/her own Fresh Cadaver Dissections. 

In this workshop you will learn:

  1. Endoscopic preparation of the EAC
    2. Dissection and elevation of the tympano-Meatal flap
    3. Chorda tympani dissection
    4. Tympanic membrane elevation
    5. Different types of myringoplasty (overlay, underlay)
    6. Middle Ear exploration and identification of anatomical structures
    7. Retrotympanum (and its different recesses), hypotympanum exploration
    8. Protympanum anatomy (Eustachian tube, ICA identification and decompression)
    9. Atticotomy
    10. Ossicular chain exploration (keeping incus and stapes in place)
    11. Cortical mastoidectomy / Canal wall-up mastoidectomy
    12. Facial nerve identification and decompression
    13. Facial recess approach
    14. Atticotomy, ossicular identification and ossiculoplasty
    15. Stapes surgery
    16. Cochlear implantation
    17. Labyrinthectomy
    18. Endolymphatic sac decompression
    19. Translabyrinthine approach
    20. Identification and opening of the IAC

Course Director

Course Director


John Rutka





Skills Lab., College of Nursing, Sultan Qaboos University

Venue Location

Skills Lab., College of Nursing, Sultan Qaboos University, Seeb, Muscat, Oman


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Photos From Our Last Workshops